Admitted Essay for The University of Southern California: Essay Review
One Of The Hardest Parts Of College Essays Is Being True To Yourself…
It’s easy to hide who you truly are in favor of pretending to be what you think people want, and this is especially true when applying for college. We all hear how colleges want strong leaders and innovators – but what if you fill a more flexible role?
We say: don’t hide who you truly are! By embracing your unique self and showcasing your strengths, you don’t need to hide yourself behind a false personality. Read on to see a great college essay that highlights this truth down below.
What You’ll Find In This Essay Review:
- An Admitted Essay for The University of Southern California
- Our Expert Review
- How to Apply This Advice to Your Own College Essays
- It’s Time to Write Your Own College Admissions Essays!
An Admitted Essay For The University Of Southern California
What is something about yourself that is essential to understanding you?
“I like to think of myself as a fluid. I’m easy going and capable of changing shape to fit whatever form is necessary of me! I can fit into any role, whether it be that of a leader, a follower, or anything in between. This “rise to the occasion” type of attitude allows me to be satisfied with any job I have to do and lets me learn to apply a greater variety of skills.
On a team, I am sort of the wildcard member. Not because I am unpredictable or abnormal, but because I can work well in any position. I think this is one of my biggest strengths, and it always makes teamwork more effective for me. In a group of subservient people, I’m capable of filling the necessary leadership role. In a group of strong-willed people, I am content to listen to others, so long as they are not leading incorrectly, and prevent friction within the group.
My fluid-like nature also makes me open to new perspectives and excited to try new things. While I am okay with any situation, I am by no means a passenger in my own life. I am constantly driving myself to try new things and push my own boundaries, which is the best way to grow.”
Our Expert Review
Often, college application essays are predictable; hundreds of students write about similar experiences every year, many of them with the same general takeaways. This essay for the University of Southern California gets close to having that problem, but it saves itself by introducing a powerful metaphor that ties the whole personal statement together: fluidity.
At its core, this college application essay is about leadership, but the writer introduces this unique element of fluidity that not only highlights their skills but adds something new to the normal discussion of leadership. Leadership isn’t just about dictating work to others, but also about playing to the strengths of your team and letting their skills shine as well. By acknowledging this, the writer shows a lot of courage in describing themselves as a bit of a chameleon – something some people would consider a weakness.
Instead, the student owns this identity and demonstrates why it makes them a valuable member of any group. They have an open mind when approaching new experiences, and aren’t locked into a single role. Plus, they are willing to make space for other people to shine alongside them, instead of demanding the spotlight.
Overall, this personal essay shows a lot of maturity and self-awareness – all excellent qualities to demonstrate in a college application essay, and all portrayed very well here.
How To Apply This Advice To Your Own College Essays
Part of what makes this essay work so well, is that the writer didn’t shy away from talking about a trait others might find unusual. Being a “wildcard member” isn’t always considered a good thing, but the student makes a great case for why it actually makes them so invaluable.
By calling on some unique aspect of themselves and then owning it fully, the writer set themselves apart from the many other leadership essays out there, all while being true to themselves.
When writing your own college essays, ask these questions:
- What trait makes me unique or is the key to my success?
- How can I highlight that trait and show it off as a strength?
It’s hard to openly share information about ourselves in college essays, because we know we’re being judged – in fact, that’s the purpose of a college essay to begin with!
However, being honest about your own background and skills is extremely important in college essays. This is what college admissions officers are looking for, so strive to be upfront about what makes you who you are.
The key is to be honest about your personality and skills, while giving enough details to frame how the reader perceives these skills. The writer above mentions they are “open to new perspectives” but makes sure to follow up by saying “I am constantly driving myself to try new things.” They want the college admissions officer reading their personal essay to know that, despite their fluidity and flexibility, they do have their own goals and drive propelling them forward.
When writing your own college essays, ask these questions:
- Is there any aspect of my personality I tend to hide, and how can I be honest about it here?
- What wrong impression could college administrators get from my essay, and how can I set the record straight?
It's Time To Write Your Own College Admissions Essays!
Just like this student, you can also write an excellent college application essay and be admitted to your dream school – be it the University of Southern California or elsewhere!
If you’re currently working on your college essays, remember to embrace what makes you unique in order to stand out from the crowd, and be honest about who you are. By framing your unique traits around how they help you succeed in life, you can drive home your maturity, self-awareness, and drive for college administrators.
Of course, writing college essays isn’t an easy task, and having a second set of eyes can be a big help. Sometimes it’s hard to see the forest for the trees without an outside perspective. If you find yourself struggling to perfect your college essays at any point, we hope you’ll reach out to one of WeAdmit’s college counselors! We’re experts in everything related to college admissions, and we’d be thrilled to see how you express your unique self in your college essays – and help you along if you’re having a little trouble doing just that.
Remember: Embrace Who You Are And Show Colleges Why You Belong On Their Campus!


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