Get the highest-quality college admissions advice and personal coaching, at an affordable price.

The Complete Program
- End to End Support
- Unlimited Essay Revisions
- A Personalized Life Path
- Regular Meetings with College Experts
- Master The Application Process
- Align Their Passions with Their Major
- Choose the Right College to Attend
- Funding & Financial Guidance
- Write Effective College Essays
The Core Program
We’ll build on that start and channel their energy into success; a place at their perfect-fit college.
- Focused on the Essential Skills and Tools
- Personalized Support Team
- Flexible Scheduling 24/7
- Excel at the Application Process
- Align Their Passions with Their Major
- Choose the Right College to Attend
- Understand the Financial Side of College
- Write Effective College Essays
Personalized Life Path
We care about your student’s long term success and help them plan for a bright future. Our systems enable students to discover their passions, translate them into practical career goals, and find the perfect-fit college.
Unlimited Counselor Messaging
Our counselors are available 24/7 to answer questions and offer advice, via unlimited email and texts. All communications run through WeLearn, our all-in-one digital platform.
Financial Aid Counseling
Discovering the right financial aid options can be difficult and confusing. Financial Aid Counselors help students and their families understand and explore available funding options. By assessing family income levels, they will determine whether your child is eligible for a need-based scholarship. They'll navigate you through filling-out your student’s FAFSA, CSS Profile, and exploring other financing options, such as student loans. Should your student receive unsatisfactory scholarship offers, their Financial Aid Counselor will negotiate with the colleges’ financial aid officers, in order to pursue improved offers.
WeLearn, Learning & Management Platform
Organizing and managing every aspect of applying to college is stressful. From visualizing progress and tracking deadlines, to booking meetings with counselors, our all-in-one digital platform, WeLearn, makes completing any task seamless and simple.
Dedicated Three-Counselor Team
Your child’s three-counselor team will include a Head Counselor with years of admissions expertise, a College Coach from their target college, and a Financial Aid Counselor to help them discover the right funding option. Unlike traditional counseling, we give your child access to the whole range of experience they'll need for success.
Counseling Team Guarantee
Sometimes, a change of objective calls for a change of personnel. Our Team Guarantee enables students to make two rounds of changes to their team, unlike traditional counselors who offer no flexibility or financial guarantee.
Quality-Guarantee Rebate Program
It’s simple. We'll offer to refund new customers and contribute to tuition fees, if they are not satisfied with our results. Local counselors and our competition provide no such guarantee. We stand behind every promise and take great pride in delivering the best possible outcome.
Flexible 1:1 Counseling
Flexible 1:1 counseling sessions offer fully-tailored learning, and ensure that your student has their counselor’s undivided attention. Access to counselors is on-demand, seven days a week, day or night.
Maximum Counseling Hours
Creating a winning application means connecting every dot, from selecting the right course to delivering top-quality essays. Maximum counseling hours will ensure that your student has the time and expertise needed to land a place at their perfect-fit college.
Post Submission Support
There are often barriers that appear post-submission, such as being waitlisted, trouble with scholarship packages, or even being rejected for an unjustified reason. WeAdmit helps students gain clarity around these issues and explore solutions.
Unlimited Essay Revisions
Our highly engaging essay revisions process enables students to write beautiful, fluid, and effective essays. Their counseling team will perform multiple checks and offer clear advice and direction at every step.
Included in both
Oracle & Pathway
College List Building
With thousands of colleges nationwide, selecting the right ones can be daunting. We help students define their personal criteria, research efficiently, and build the perfect college list.
Essay Writing Support
Choosing the right topic is the first step in writing a winning essay. Our Essay Topic Generation Tool makes exploring, planning, and selecting the most compelling option simple. We teach highly effective writing frameworks for Common App and supplementary essays. With these valuable skills, your child will learn to deliver the quality of writing that will open the doors to their perfect-fit college.
SAT/ACT Guidance
We deliver valuable guidance and insight for standardized tests, from analyzing your student’s score to building a strategic study plan, and assessing their determination on retaking their SAT/ACT.
Extracurricular Planning
We combine a unique scoring system and analysis from our counselors in order to reveal a student’s strengths and weaknesses. This personal data and insight allows us to build an extracurricular plan of action, focused on fulfilling their needs and objectives.
Summer Program Planning
Summer programs are priceless experiences. Get access to our database of programs, such as internships and pre-college courses. We help you select the best activity for your student.
Major & Career Planning
Choosing the wrong college or major can cause financial pain. 60% of college students change major and end up paying one or two years in extra fees. Through our curriculum, we help students identify their future career path, and choose a major that perfectly matches their long-term goals.
Course Selection Advice
We not only help students become prime applicants, we also ensure that their passion and dedication is evident on paper. Admissions officers make evaluations based on how well a student’s class choices, essays, and transcripts match their target major and college. We guide them in selecting the best AP classes to strengthen their application, so that they can deliver a personal story that perfectly matches their objectives.
Application Strategy
Categorizing a college list correctly is vital to admissions success. Having aided your student in selecting their favored schools, we will then advise and guide them in categorizing each choice as Reach, Target, or Safety. A great application strategy isn't just about where, but when. Whether it is Early Action, Early Decision or Regular Decision, we help students determine the application round that will offer them the greatest chance of success.
Letter of Recommendation
A great letter of recommendation goes a long way. We teach students how best to request a recommendation and how to guide the writer by making their objectives clear.
Resume Writing
A polished resume is a powerful tool for giving admissions officers a snapshot of the student and their achievements. We'll teach your student to craft a succinct and compelling resume.
Interview & Audition Prep
Interviews and auditions are nerve-racking prospects for students. With WeAdmit, your child will be coached and their confidence built through mock-interviews and auditions. We bring students closer to the real thing by using questions presented to previous applicants.
Waitlist Management
We are on hand, should your child get waitlisted by their first choice. We'll develop an effective counter strategy for communicating with admissions officers, by analyzing and optimizing future correspondence, such as emails and call scripts.